WKKO UK Combat Karate

Huddersfield MMA – MMA Huddersfield. MMA BJJ Jiu Jitsu, MMA BJJ Jiu Jitsu Huddersfield MMA – MMA Huddersfield. MMA BJJ Jiu Jitsu, MMA BJJ Jiu Jitsu

Knockdown / knockout fighting with helmet and face strikes with grabs sweeps throws and groundfighting with punching and kicks



  1. All strikes allowed to head, body & legs.
  2. All open hand strikes are permitted to the head, body and legs.
  3. All clinching techniques are legal.
  4. Striking in the clinch to the head, body & legs is permitted as is holding on to the Gi and striking whilst holding.
  5. All throwing, tripping, sweeping & takedown techniques are legal.
  6. Standing submissions are legal including chokes, arm locks shoulder locks & wrist locks.
  7. 3oz MMA gloves to be worn, Head guard with face covering, shin & instep, groin guard, gum shield.

SPLIT LEVEL (one standing & one on ground)

  1. 10 second limit for the grounded fighter to get back to a standing position – or the grounded fighter to perform a technical standup.


  1. 20 seconds time limit on the ground.
  2. 5 seconds of inactivity will result in the fighter being brought back to standing.


  1. Submission
  2. Ippon through controlled ground & pound – 5 unprotected shots to the head
  3. 10 second chest of chest pin



  1. As above however with no hand/fist striking to the head


  1. Avoiding fighting is regarded as passivity & will result in a warning.
  2. ‘Pulling’, ‘Jumping’ guard is regarded as passivity & will result in a warning.
  3. ‘Butt scooting’ on the ground is regarded as passivity & will result in a warning.
  4. Excessive power in ground & pound to the head
  5. Twisting ankle locks/Heal hooks
  6. Twisting neck locks
  7. Wrist locks & other small joint locks
  8. Throwing opponent on head/neck
  9. Holding head guard
  10. Hooking eyes/mouth
  11. Attacking the spine through striking

Huddersfield MMA – MMA Huddersfield. MMA BJJ Jiu Jitsu, MMA BJJ Jiu Jitsu Huddersfield MMA – MMA Huddersfield. MMA BJJ Jiu Jitsu, MMA BJJ Jiu Jitsu