Huddersfield MMA – MMA Huddersfield. MMA BJJ Jiu Jitsu, MMA BJJ Jiu Jitsu Huddersfield MMA – MMA Huddersfield. MMA BJJ Jiu Jitsu, MMA BJJ Jiu Jitsu

Welcome to the home of the world’s newest combat sport. SVT (Standing Vale Tudo) Knockdown is the most open ruleset available for all martial arts that favour the standing phases of combat. Featuring striking, clinch fighting, takedowns & standing submissions. It is a fusion of Kyokushin Karate & Japanese Shootboxing. Open to all styles and all organistions who wish to test themselves and their skills in this style of competition.


All strikes allowed to head, body & legs.

All open hand strikes are permitted to the head, body and legs observing the legal areas of striking as a whole for the SVT ruleset.

All clinching techniques are legal.

Striking in the clinch to the head, body & legs is permitted as is holding on to the Gi and striking whilst holding.

All throwing, tripping, sweeping & takedown techniques are legal.

Standing submissions are legal including chokes, arm locks shoulder locks & wrist locks.

MMA gloves to be worn, Head guard with face covering, shin & instep, groin guard, gum shield.


No strikes to the head allowed.

All other strikes to the body and legs.

All open hand strikes are permitted to the body and legs observing the legal areas of striking as a whole for the SVT ruleset.

All clinching techniques are legal.

All throwing, tripping, sweeping & takedown techniques are legal.

Standing submissions are legal.

Bare knuckle (no gloves), shin & instep, groin guard, gum shield.


No strikes to the head of any kind.

All other strikes are permitted to the body and legs observing the legal areas of striking as a whole for the SVT ruleset.

All clinching techniques are legal.

All throwing, tripping, sweeping & takedown techniques are legal.

Standing submissions are legal.

MMA gloves to be worn, shin & instep, groin guard, gum shield.

Huddersfield MMA – MMA Huddersfield. MMA BJJ Jiu Jitsu, MMA BJJ Jiu Jitsu Huddersfield MMA – MMA Huddersfield. MMA BJJ Jiu Jitsu, MMA BJJ Jiu Jitsu

Huddersfield MMA – MMA Huddersfield. MMA BJJ Jiu Jitsu, MMA BJJ Jiu Jitsu Huddersfield MMA – MMA Huddersfield. MMA BJJ Jiu Jitsu, MMA BJJ Jiu Jitsu

Huddersfield MMA – MMA Huddersfield. MMA BJJ Jiu Jitsu, MMA BJJ Jiu Jitsu Huddersfield MMA – MMA Huddersfield. MMA BJJ Jiu Jitsu, MMA BJJ Jiu Jitsu